Τετάρτη 5 Ιανουαρίου 2011

A man sitting alone doesn't nesseccarily feel lonely.

Girl sitting alone
Dusty Springfield-The look of love

She was just sitting there.Alone.Outside of the house.
I didn't feel pity for her 'cause I knew she was having fun being alone.
I remember once,while I was returning back from school,I saw a friend's little sister playing and talking with the cats of the neighborhood. And I smiled.
I thought of myself in her age.I was like that.
I often say I was a psycho when I was younger.
I was talking with myself all the time.I was making up stories and then I was acting like they were true.
I used to believe that the nature could listen to me.
I wasn't the typical noisy child like my cousins.
I was silent and obedient.
And sometimes I wish I wasn't.
Now that I'm a ...ehmm.... grown up,I couldn't say I've changed this much.
I still have fun when I'm alone.
And I love at nights,at the end of the day,when I sit on my bed,with my beloved lamp on.
Just staring at the light,the walls,the dust.Writing down my thoughts.Or just thinking.
Of course I love being with friends and meeting new people.It has nothing to do with that.
I don't know how all these came to me right now.Or why I'm talking about myself so much.

Tell me about you.How could you describe yourself when you were younger?What did you like to do?

4 σχόλια:

La Romantique είπε...

Υπέροχη φωτογραφία...
Νομίζω πως και τότε ήμουν όπως είμαι τώρα.
Υπάρχουν στιγμές που θέλω να έχω γύρω μου πολλά άτομα και άλλες στιγμές που έχω ανάγκη να είμαι μόνη μου.
Ε και σε κάποια φάση στα 13-14 την είχα δει επαναστάτρια και αντιμιλούσα κλπ αλλά μετά νομίζω πως ηρέμησα :p

Natalie είπε...

When I was really little my dad actually read me the Lord of The Rings books, haha, so I pretty much loved reading as long as I can remember. And I liked writing a bunch of short little stories too, though now that I look back on them they're all really terribly and hilariously written...

V. είπε...

I can't remember much.. but I can assure you that I still talk to myself and making up stories, and I still have a thing about black colour! xP

Maria G. είπε...

Χμμμ, δεν έχουν περάσει και πολλά χρόνια, ίσως αργότερα να μπορώ να διακρίνω και άλλες διαφορές... Τότε δεν μπορούσα να μένω μόνη μου... Θυμάμαι τι κλάμα έριχνα κάθε φορά που ήταν να πάμε στο τροχόσπιτό μας γιατί δεν υπήρχαν παιδιά για να κάνω παρέα... Τώρα τα πράγματα άλλαξαν... Το καλοκαίρι προτιμώ να μένω μόνη μου παρά να κάνω παρέα με άτομα που βλέπω ότι δεν ταιριάζω καθόλου... Παλαιότερα δεν ήμουν εγώ, δεν είχα προλάβει να γίνω εγώ... Τώρα άρχισα να συνειδητοποιώ τι θέλω...