Τρίτη 28 Ιουνίου 2011

Little everyday volcanoes

pilio 346
pilio+anasta 211
He says he's through a phase.Whatever.An excuse he uses to be irresponsible.I don't believe you Mr Everybody-expects-me-to-be-happy.You're a prisoner of your image now.It's good you cared to make your prison comfortable and pleasant.But as you have already notice,smiling can be unbearable.I won't censor myself once more.Not this time.You tought me not to talk with a schizophrenic,nor with a dumb.The smart man doesn't talk a lot. You forgot something.
The erupting volcano is so beautiful to watch.And you know how fertile the ground is after being covered with lava.

2 σχόλια:

Chelsea Finn είπε...

I really love how you put this

<3Chelsea Elizabeth

V. είπε...

"An excuse he uses to be irresposible" Πόσο πολύ ταιριάζει σε αυτό που ζω αυτή την περίοδο..
Αγαπώ τα κείμενά σου μικρή μου.. Συνέχισε έτσι!
ps: πότε θα πάμε για καμιά φωτογράφηση? message me!