OK.Time to show off once again.I post these pictures firstly because I've got to post my pictures,otherwise I feel guilty,so I'm sorry for the low quality.They were taken by my laptop camera.
The other reason why is that Magda asked me a long time ago to post something I made with my sewing machine.
All I'm doing these days is eating,running,going out and watching movies which is appropriate for holidays,but it also means I will end up studying tons of homework the last minute like I always do.
My room is shitty and my mum is always telling me to tidy it up,but I answer to her that my psychologist says I need a creative chaos around me (which is actually a line from the Stepford Wives).
I went out with my family yesterday and we spent a couple of hours together.I barely see them everyday with school etc,which makes me realise I'm becoming less attached to them everyday,and I think I'm ready to move out next year in my own house.In the meanwhile,I'm just dreaming of it.
Don't know why I'm saying all these stuff today.The truth is I woke up this evening wanting to say even more but I forgot them.Never mind.I'll come up with something else next time.
See you soon.Pinky promise.(Despicable Me.Remember?)
8 σχόλια:
kala esu kaneis tetoia pragmata k den ta postareis? min epanaliuthei parakalw! i fusta einai teleia!!!
M'aresei poly o tropos pou "kineitai" h fousta sou! Good job I have to say! :D
Very nice skirt! Well done girl! And I love the evil face too! Btw, my pile of "books to read" is also high enough, and it's getting higher in a very mysterious way.. :P
Τι υπέροχη φούστα... Την βλέπω και θέλω να πετάξω βρε παιδάκι μου! Καλά, στη φάση που είμαι, με το διάβασμα όλη μέρα, και τα τσουρέκια που βλέπω μου έρχεται να πετάξω... ΘΕΛΟΥΜΕ ΝΑ ΔΟΥΜΕ ΚΑΙ ΑΛΛΕΣ ΔΗΜΙΟΥΡΓΙΕΣ ΣΟΥ ΤΩΡΑ!
ΘΕΛΩ ΚΟΝΤΙΝΟ ΤΗΣ ΦΟΥΣΤΑΣ! Υ>Γ. είσαι απίστευτο μουτράκι!
Αααααααααα! Εγώ είμαι η Μάγδα που λέει! Here here!!χαχαχα:))
Καλά ε,δεν έχω λογια.Θα συμφωλησω με όοοολους τους παραπάνω ότι πρέπει να δείχνεις δημιουργήματα πιο συχνά:)))Αχ είναι τόσο νεραιδένια<3
Καλό Πάσχααα!
Χαχαχα!Μεζεδακια μου γλυκα!Φχαριστωωω!C:
χααααα μεζεδακι! Μ'αρεσει!
Ελεος, εκεινη την ημερα αγκαλιασα καμποσους οποτε παιζει να ηταν μεσα και η αδελφη σου... Τι γλυκο παντως, συγχαρητηρια σ'αυτους που το οργανωσαν!
Και καλη επιτυχια στις εξετασεις σου!
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